The txilibito is a fipple flute played with two hands which belongs to the aerophone group.
Description of the instrument
Formerly these flutes used to be made of bone, reed or wood, but lately they are usually made of metal. Today mostly Irish six-hole metal flutes (whistle) and small recorders (with modified holes) are used.
Way of playing
The flute is held with both hands and the mouth is placed on the embouchure. It is blown and played like the rest of flutes.
Although we do not know since when, in the displays of the patron saint festivities of Hondarribia, Irun and Tolosa, two-handed flutes like these have been used for years to play the marches and typical melodies, forming a large group and with the help of the band of drums. Formerly fifes or small transverse flutes were also used.
No more news has been found on this type of instrument and it is unknown if those presented here are the only cases. We believe that due to its maintenance in neighbouring countries, in ancient times this type of instrument was also more common here.
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