The lapwing call belongs to the aerophone group.
Description of the instrument
Take a hazelnut stick about four inches in and diameter and cut it in half wise. In both parts, a small four-centimeter-long recess is made on the inside and center, leaving a four-millimeter gap them. You take a camera from the bicycle and cut a ring 13 millimeters wide. The two pieces of the stick are placed against each other, with the yellow rubber ring squeezed in the center. To finish, these two half pieces of rod are joined, with two other rubber rings that are placed very tightly at the ends.
Way of playing
The instrument is placed against the mouth, and it is blown through the slit that is in the middle. The rubber band stretched in the middle begins to vibrate, imitating the song of the lapwing.
As in many other places, in Goierri (Gipuzkoa) claims of this type have been used (Beltran, 1996, 106). Father Donostia (1952) mentioned a similar instrument with the of xilla y chilla (p. 295), a that is also used outside the Basque Country (Donostia, 1947, 133).
BELTRAN ARGIÑENA, Juan Mari. (1996). Soinutresnak euskal herri musikan. Hernani: Orain.
DONOSTIA, Aita. (1947). Instrumentos de Música Popular Española. Obras Completas del P. Donostia. (Tomo II, 113-179). Bilbo: Ed. La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca.1983.
(1952). Instrumentos Musicales Populares Vascos. Obras Completas del P. Donostia. (Tomo II, 257-309). Bilbo: Ed. La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca, 1983.