Idiophones produce sound through the vibration of their own primary material, when it is struck, rubbed/scratched or plucked.
In the classification created by German musicologists Erich M. von Hornbostel and Curt Sachs, idiophones make up the first of the 5 groups of instruments.
Idiophones in Basque traditional music
Struck in a direct way
- Almirez
- Hands-Palms
- Swords and sticks of dancers
- Kirikoketa
- Hammer
- Toberak
- Triangle
- Txalaparta
- Zurruma-Heel
Hit in a non-direct way
- Arxaluak-Txaramelak-Tarrañuelas
- Cowbell
- Kalaka
- Cane
- Bells
- Kaskabeleta
- Kaskabiloak
- Kaskamelan
- Kilikalaska
- Klasketa
- Spoons
- Kriskitinak-Kastañetak-Castañuelas
- Matraca
- Mailu-Kabiko
- Tambourine plates-jingles
- Talaka
- Txepetxa
Rubbed or scratched
Plucked (flexible)